
How far along? 39 weeks.

Maternity clothes: 100%. I can barely fit into Nic's clothes anymore.

Stretch marks? Still none.

Sleep: My sleep is restricted to little naps here and there throughout the day, but I can't sleep through the night right now.

Best moment this week: I'm losing track of the days so it might have been a week and a half ago, but Nic got me a rocking chair. I also had my "bloody show" today so labor is pretty imminent, at this point it's just a waiting game. Due in exactly a week!

Miss anything? I miss not living in the bathroom because I have to pee all the time, and I miss un-swollen ankles.

Movement: Quite a bit, she's just not able to stretch around as much. She's running out of room.

Food cravings: I've been dying for steak the past two days.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Fast food from anywhere. Just the smell of it is enough to make me cringe.

Gender: Still a girl!

Symptoms: Exhausted, so exhausted. My ankles are swollen, my back aches, and she's definitely dropped.

Belly button in or out? Out. It freaks out Nic.

Wedding rings on or off? Off, but on a chain around my neck.

Happy or moody most of the time: Both? I'm mostly just really emotional and nervous.

Looking forward to: Her birth finally getting here! Hopefully this morning was a good indication it'll be sooner rather than later.

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