the sims 4: asylum challenge


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I'm fucking amazed no one has died yet. This place is slowly turning into a disaster zone and someone is going to get electrocuted or set on fire, I'm calling it now.

Who doesn't wash dishes in the bathroom?

Nadia being the awkward third wheel.

"WHO MADE THIS MESS?" Xander did when he peed himself.

Aisha's human form is not as cute as her alien form.

I wonder if Dillan realizes those children he's dancing with are not, in fact, real. You do you, Dill.

Operation Cowplant: Success.

"I hope you eat Xander first."

To complete her aspiration, Juniper had to throw a successful dinner party. Which meant cooking for her, and cheating for me. I forgot about this part of her aspiration so I cheated in the money for it.

"That's a very impressive dad sweater you've got, Myles." Does anyone else see the sparks flying between Aisha and Blaine? I'll try not to lock you in anymore corners, buddy.

"I'm sorry for hitting you." "I'm not."

And so the love triangle begins. BLAINE YOU'RE LOSING YOUR WOMAN TO DILLAN.

Challenge accepted.

"I'm being stalked."

Xander's constant stalking made her so angry she had to take it out on a painting.

Stargazing with her main squeeze.

Cinderelly, Cinderelly.

Someone else is up early AND actually fucking cleaning something? This has to be a record.

Okay, who peed themselves on the walkway?

Myles and the lamp just became besties. I'm getting a little misty with all of this sentiment.

And here we go. Let's take bets on who will get eaten first. I'm going with Dillan.

Are you two really fighting over the cowplant?

Silently plotting his death.

........ Why the fuck are you flirting with the cowplant? I don't think Myles will approve.

"Juniper yelled at me, Blarfy, so I'm gonna beat you up instead."

Officially best friends with Juniper. Sorry, Mr. Lamp.

Her painting skills are leveling up, which is a good thing because with her first aspiration complete we're moving on to the next one: painting.